Journal of Applied Science and Social Science
eISSN: 2229-3213 pISSN: 2229-3205
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Roga, or disease, was a long-standing issue that has yet to be fully addressed. Progresses in science and innovation incorporated the advanced clinical frameworks with the different complexity of the apparatuses were likewise wrecked. Chemical effects may be left behind by modern synthetic drugs' effects. The society became concerned about the effects as a result. In addition, the price of modern medicine was quite high, making it difficult for society's lower middle class to afford it. In view of these contemplations, the Pasraman Sri Jagat Amertham, Bitra, Gianyar Regime and UKM Yoga MargaRahayu, College of Hindu Indonesia notices the customary medical services and therapy framework as an elective way. When performing the Surya Namaskara series, the treatment and coaching system was sincere, patient, and diligent. There were two terms examined in the current review, for example (1) how was the series of Surya Namaskara development showed by Pasraman Sri Jagat Amertham lovers, Bitra Town, Gianyar Rule and the understudies of UKM Yoga MargaRahayu, College of Hindu Indonesia; ( 2) How did Pasraman Sri Jagat Amertham, Bitra, Gianyar Regency, and UKM Yoga MargaRahayu, University of Hindu Indonesia perceive the benefits to their physical health? Observations and interviews were used to collect data for the discussion of the problems; descriptions and interpretations were used to describe, explain, and analyze the data. Through the manners in which referenced above, Surya Namaskara development comprises of the twelve unique developments. However, before beginning the Surya Namaskara movement, pray three times, repeat the Gayatri Mantran song five times, and then perform a new stretching (pavanamuktasana). A series of Surya Namaskara movements that required steady, patient, diligent, and sincere performance were able to restore equilibrium to the human body's internal organs, including the respiratory system, circulatory system, digestive system, urinary or urinal system, skin system, nervous system, and endocrine system. The endocrine organs incorporated the pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, adrenal and balls. The internal organs would be in balance, making one physically and mentally fitter and more peaceful.


The hormonal system, Lower center economy, Pasraman, physical fitness, Namaskara Surya


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Gusti Banyu Wirawan. (2023). THE EFFICACY OF SURYA NAMASKARA. Journal of Applied Science and Social Science, 13(04), 01–13. Retrieved from
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Gusti Banyu Wirawan. (2023). THE EFFICACY OF SURYA NAMASKARA. Journal of Applied Science and Social Science, 13(04), 01–13. Retrieved from


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