Journal of Applied Science and Social Science
eISSN: 2229-3213 pISSN: 2229-3205
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Yoga is becoming more and more popular as a cultural trend. Yoga is done by the majority, especially in big cities. This indicates that the role of the media helps yoga gain even more popularity. Consequently, yoga becoming a way of life in postmodern society. Yoga's growing popularity has had an impact on yoga's teachings. Regarding the transformation of sacred teachings into profane cultural products. In the yoga culture industry, there is a profane transformation of the practice that demonstrates ideological indoctrination for the purposes of capitalism. It was designed to meet needs and provide social fulfillment. It was a sign of the market's concession to commercial cultural products. As a result, the general public readily accepted yoga products. This can be seen in the emergence of diverse yoga genres that have undergone modification, massification, and increased audience interest. As a result, expanding the market share of yoga practices aimed at profit. As a result of the impact of this culture industry, there were also classes for teacher training. In order to make money, it turned yoga practices, which were originally just a cultural product, into a commodity. Yoga instruction was no longer regarded as a sacred spiritual product; rather, it could be profitably exploited for the benefit of the market.


Societal trend, Lifestyle, Modern society, Postmodern, Engage in yoga


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Kadek Rama Malini, & Wayan Budi Yasa. (2023). YOGA AS A CONTEMPORARY WAY OF LIFE. Journal of Applied Science and Social Science, 13(01), 10–18. Retrieved from
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Kadek Rama Malini, & Wayan Budi Yasa. (2023). YOGA AS A CONTEMPORARY WAY OF LIFE. Journal of Applied Science and Social Science, 13(01), 10–18. Retrieved from


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