Journal of Applied Science and Social Science
eISSN: 2229-3213 pISSN: 2229-3205

Author guidelines for Journal of Applied Science and Social Science may vary depending on the specific journal you are submitting to. However, in general, the following guidelines are usually expected:

Research scope: Journal of Applied Science and Social Science are interested in papers that offer solutions to real-world problems in a specific scientific field. Authors should ensure that their research is relevant to the journal's scope and aligns with its aims and scope.

Manuscript format: Journal of Applied Science and Social Science generally require manuscripts to be prepared in a specific format. Authors should carefully read the journal's author guidelines and follow the instructions provided for formatting and preparing the manuscript.

Abstract: The abstract is a summary of the research paper and should briefly state the research problem, the methodology used, the key findings, and the significance of the study. The abstract should be written in a clear and concise manner and should not exceed a certain word limit as specified in the journal's guidelines.

Introduction: The introduction should clearly state the research problem and provide a brief overview of the relevant literature. It should also outline the research questions and objectives of the study.

Methodology: Authors should describe the research methodology used in their study. This should include information on the study design, data collection methods, and analysis techniques used.

Results: Authors should present the findings of their research clearly and concisely. Tables and figures can be used to present data effectively.

Discussion and conclusions: The discussion section should interpret the results and relate them to the research questions and objectives. Authors should draw conclusions based on their findings and discuss the implications of their research. It is important to also highlight the limitations of the study and provide recommendations for future research.

References: Authors should provide a list of references cited in the manuscript using the citation style specified by the journal. It is important to ensure that all references cited are relevant and up-to-date.

Ethical considerations: Authors should ensure that their research is conducted in an ethical and responsible manner. They should provide information on ethical approval, informed consent, and any potential conflicts of interest.

Authorship: Authors should ensure that they have met the criteria for authorship and acknowledge the contributions of others who have helped with the research.

Overall, authors should carefully read the author guidelines of the journal they wish to submit to and follow them closely to ensure that their manuscript meets the journal's requirements.